Are you tired of purchasing full sized bottles of skin care only to find it doesn't work like 'they' said it would? And then using the product (even if it isn't working) only because you spent your good money on it and don't want to waste? Been there, done that too many times to count here.
L'Bri Pure n' Natural has an excellent sampling program which will provide you with a 7 - 10 day supply of product for the cost of shipping. You will be able to determine if you like the product enough to purchase the full sized product without being wasteful.
Of course, with only a 7 - 10 day supply, you will not see the full benefit from using L'Bri products, but it will give you a good idea as to how they will work for you.
L'Bri Pure n' Natural is safe for all skin types, but you do need to use the complete system which is made to specifically work together to keep your skin at the proper pH level. Using a cleanser from this line of skin care, a toner from that line of skin care, and then a moisturizer from even another line of skin care is NOT going to product the results you want, and that your skin needs to look and feel its best!
The skin care samples are free, but you are required to pay a small shipping and handling fee. Your samples will come in a small, sturdy reuseable plastic cosmetic bag, and will include:
Before you do order the sample set, you will want to determine what type of skin you have. Is it dry, oily, combination, etc. If you need help determining your skin type, take the personalized skin care consultation with Tricia Graft, your consultant.
If you would like more information on L'Bri products, or have specific skin care issues you would like addressed, please feel free to contact me.
Have a great day!!