Check out these articles for the 'nitty gritty' about how to get started with a L'Bri Pure n' Natural skin care business.
BECOME A L'BRI CONSULTANT TODAY - tells you the steps you need to take to become a L'Bri consultant and get your skin care business started.
Create your L'Bri Pure n' Natural Prospect List - The people you know are the first people you will want to tell about your new skin care business. These people will help you to get your business 'running'.
Create your "I Story" - This is your story and testimonial about why you decided to start your own skin care business with L'Bri Pure n' Natural. This will help you to make a connection with customers and people you come in contact with.
Create your L'Bri 30 Second Commercial - Knowing what to say in a short time period will help you to promote your skin care business when you are meeting new people.
Your L'Bri Grand Opening - This is a big day for your new L'Bri skin care business. Your grand opening will 'get the ball rolling', so to speak.
Educating through In Home Parties or Shows - Educate, Inform and Inspire your guests.
Building Your L'Bri Skin Care Business - Awesome sampling program, home parties and even online marketing.