Some of my dreams have yet to be fulfilled, and with time they will. When I was younger, or even just one year ago, my answer to that question would have definitely been a resounding NO.
Before I started working with L'Bri Pure n' Natural, I didn't give much thought to living my dream. I truly didn't have the time or the money to even think to dream. That was a big mistake on my part: living your dream can push you forward to having that dream and more.
Ever since I can remember, I've wanted to learn to play the keyboard. I am now living that dream! I started taking lessons approximately one month ago. Whew, I can tell you getting my left hand to do something different than my right hand on the keyboard is just a bit interesting.
I am so excited to be able to take these lessons and learn something I never thought would be possible. Time and money were issues and I had tried teaching myself: that just wasn't working at all.
Of course, I am nowhere near being proficient with only one month's worth of lessons, but I have no doubt I will eventually be able to play, and maybe even lead worship at church. I can play Jesus Loves Me, and a couple other songs (melodies only thus far). We are now getting into learning harmony, interesting and fun for me.
Another dream of mine was to become more involved with my church. I am now living that dream too. I can schedule my L'Bri business around my life and do what I want to do. I sure couldn't do that working for someone else.
I've dreamed of going on a vacation with my family for a long time, money and time were issues. This year (next month, in fact) we are living my dream and going on a family vacation. That is possible because of my L'Bri business. This will be the first family vacation I can remember actually going somewhere.
These are just a few small dreams of mine that are being fulfilled. There are BIG DREAMS of mine that are in the process of being fulfilled, thanks first to God, for putting L'Bri Pure n' Natural in my 'path'. Second to L'Bri Pure n' Natural: products that work and a company who cares.
With committment, time, caring and sharing, you could be living your dreams too.
Have a superb day!