Monday, June 1, 2009

A Real Fix For Dry Chapped Lips

dry chapped lipsDo you suffer from dry chapped lips? Have you used all kinds of lip moisturizers and chapsticks with no real results? I've found a solution that truly works.

When moisturizing your face with L'Bri Pure n' Natural moisturizer (any will work) just dab a little on your lips too. Sounds a bit strange, huh? That is just how safe L'Bri Pure n' Natural products are.

Most skin care products on the market today will tell you to avoid the eye and mouth areas. Thisdry chapped lips is due to the harsh chemicals that are in those products. L'Bri products are absolutely safe to use around your eyes and mouth.

Knowing L'Bri products are safe, and not wanting to go through another winter of dry chapped lips, I decided to start putting the moisturizer on my lips also.

I am so pleased to tell you I am no longer biting off the dry skin from my lips. (that is just how dry, chapped, and cracked my lips were)

I never liked the way most chapsticks felt on my lips, particularly when they were cracking and extra dry. It always felt like my lips were weighted. But no longer!

Not only will L'Bri Pure n' Natural solve issues you may have with your skin, L'Bri can also solve a year long problem of dry chapped lips. L'Bri moisturizers are lightweight, and penetrate underneath the top layer of skin to heal your skin. It even works on your lips!

Check out this article about the aloe vera plant, to learn the healing properties of aloe vera. L'Bri is committed to producing safe and natural products that are proven to work.

Click here to learn more about L'Bri Pure n' Natural aloe based skin care. Are you ready to solve your dry chapped lips problem? Click here to order today.
dry chapped lips

Have a fantastic day!