Friday, June 26, 2009

Ingredients To Avoid for Safe Skin Care

safe skin care Do you know if the skin care you are using is truly safe? Have you looked at any ingredient listing for skin care products?

Yikes, the majority of those ingredient lists are confusing even for the smartest persons out there. Most of you probably avoid even looking at the ingredient list of skin care products because it is so confusing.

I have found a site that promotes safe skin care. Check out this article on EWG's site to help you know how to read that confusing skin care ingredient list.

Here are a couple ingredients I know to avoid off the top of my head:safe skin care

  • Mineral oil - sits on the surface of your skin and clogs pores
  • Petrolateum - is derived from petroleum (gas) , can you say ewww
  • Propolyene Gycol - 'industrial anti-freeze' and the major ingredient in brake and hydraulic fluid. Even bigger ewww!

safe skin careIsn't it amazing what goes into some of the products you apply to your skin? Did you know that your body will absorb 5 pounds of chemicals from skin care and make-up per year. Whew, never thought of it like that.

According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, who is an osteopathic physician: "putting chemicals on your skin is far worse that ingesting them, because when you eat something the enzymes in your saliva and stomach help break it down and flush it out of your body.

When you put these chemicals on your skin, however, it is absorbed straight into your blood stream without filtering of any kind, so there is no protection against the toxin. Thesafe skin care 5 pounds of toxic chemicals per year you may be absorbing from toiletries and beauty products are going directly to your delicate organs."

It is extremely important to know what is in your skin care products, check out this article about L'Bri's ingredients. It is very curious that there are no real government guidelines or certifications for skin care, so it is best to research and discover what does make for truly safe skin care.

The safe cosmetics database can help to make your research easier, you can even research individual ingredients to find how safe they may or may not be for skin care

Would you like to try a truly safe skin care, with proven results? Try free samples of L'Bri today, you will be happy you did.

safe skin care

Have an exceptional Weekend!!