L'Bri currently has Consultants through Executive Managers earning from a couple hundred per month to well over $15,000 per month.
Here are some examples of what you could earn at the different levels in the company. Remember, it is all up to you as to just how much you want to make. Some women start with L'Bri just to have fun and be sociable while others want to start a rewarding new career.
As a L'Bri Consultant you have the opportunity to earn 3 types of income
- Earn a 20% profit for selling products - For Example you have $500 dollars in sales per Show which equals a profit of $100 per Show. If you were to do just 4 shows a month, that would equal a profit of $400 per month.
- Earn a 3% Retailing Bonus for Selling $1,000 or More in a Month - As a Consultant you will earn a retailing bonus of 3% on all your sales. So in the above example, your total monthly sales would be $2000, which makes your retailing bonus equal $60.
- Earn a 3% Sponsoring Bonus for Sponsoring Other L'Bri Consultants - For every consultant you personally sponsor you will earn a 3% Sponsoring Bonus. For Example say you sponsored 2 consultants that each sell $2000 in a month as you did, you will earn 3% of their sales which will equal $120.
Your total profit for the month at the consultant level with this example will be $580. This would make $6,960 for the year.
Not too bad for just 8 hours of work. The average show is approximately 2 hours. Break this down to an hourly pay and you will be making a real pretty penny per hour!
The next level to strive for is that of Supervisor, who also earn 3 types of income.
- Earn a 26% profit for selling products - Using the example from above, $500 in Show sales would equal a profit of $130 per show. When you do just 4 shows a month your profit for the month would equal $520.
- Earn a 4% Retailing Bonus for Selling $1,000 or More in a Month - Using the same 4 shows in a month, your monthly sales would equal $2000. At the Supervisor level you will earn a Retailing Bonus of 4% on all your sales. This will make your retailing bonus $80 for the month.
- Earn a 4% Sponsoring Bonus for Sponsoring Other L'Bri Consultants - You will earn a 4% sponsoring bonus on all the Consultants you personally sponsor. For example you sponsor 4 consultants who each sell $2000 in a month (just like you did). You will earn $320 for your sponsoring bonus.
This all sounds good doesn't it? Well it does get better, and just so you know, I am using the bare minimum for the examples here. It all depends on just how much money you want to make.
Moving on, the next level you will want to reach for is that of a L'Bri Manager.
L'Bri Managers earn 4 types of income
- Earn a 30% Profit for Selling Products - Using the $500 shows from the above examples, your profit would equal $150 per show. So when you do 4 shows in one month, your total month's profits will be $600.
- Earn a 5% Retailing Bonus for Selling $1000 or More in a Month - Again using the 4 shows at $500 a show, your monthly sales would be $2000. As a Manager with L'Bri you will earn a 5% retailing bonus on your sales. With this example your retailing bonus would equal $100.
- Earn a 5% Sponsoring Bonus for Sponsoring other L'Bri Consultants - Say you sponsor 8 consultants who each sell $2000 a month like yourself, you will earn 5% of each consultants $2000 in sales. Your 5% Sponsoring Bonus will be $800.
- Earn a Managers Group Bonus on All the Consultants in Your Organization - You will earn a group bonus on all the consultants, supervisors and managers in your organization. This includes all the consultants that were sponsored by the consultants you personally sponsored, and their personally sponsored consultants and down the line. Say each of the 8 consultants in the above example sponsored just 1 consultant each selling $2000 a month like you did. You will earn 1% of your whole organization's sales combined with your own personal sales. Using the above example, your Managers Group Bonus would equal $340.
Your total profit for the month will be $1840, which will make your yearly profits at $22,080 at the Manager Level.
WOW!! This IS good.....but there is just one more level to shoot for. And YES you CAN do this, you will have all the support you need.
Moving on to L'Bri Executive Managers, who Earn 5 types of Income
- Earn a Profit for selling products - Using the examples from the above levels, $500 per show your profit will be $175 for each show. Say you do 4 shows a month, your monthly profit will be $700.
- Earn a 5% Sponsoring Bonus for Sponsoring Other L'Bri Consultants - For example let's say you sponsor 12 consultants who each sell $2000 as you did, you will earn 5% of each consultants $2000 in sales making your sponsoring bonus equal $1,200.
- Earn a 2% - 5% Executive Managers Group Bonus On All The Consultants In Your Organization - You will earn a bonus on all the Consultants, Supervisors and Managers in your organization. This included all the consultants that are personally sponsored by you, plus their personally sponsored consultants, etc., etc., etc. As an example, let's say each of the 12 consultants you personally sponsored also sponsored just 1 consultant each selling $2000 in a month. You will earn 2% - 5% of your whole organization's sales combined. This will make your Executive Managers bonus at least $2400.
- Earn an Executive Managers Car bonus - Earn a $400 Car Bonus when your total group sales volume is $12000 or more. Your monthly car bonus equals $400.
- Earn a 5.25% Executive Managers Spin Off Bonus - When one of your Consultants 'spins-off' and also becomes an Executive Manager, you will earn 5.25% of their sales volume. Let's say for example, a consultant 'spins-off' and has a total group sales volume of $25.000. Your Spin Off Bonus would be $1,312.
As an Executive Manager using the above example your monthly profit would equal $6,012 and your yearly profit would equal $72,144.
Keep in mind these totals do not include the profits you will receive from repeat sales and from samples. These examples are the bare minimum of what you can make with L'Bri. This is a recession proof industry and your customers will remain loyal even when money is tight. Women want to look good no matter what the economy is doing.
Are you ready to start making money with L'Bri. Click here to get started today.