- Set your date for 2 weeks after you have signed on with L'Bri - plan for your show to last approximately 2 hours. What time would you like to hold your first show?
- Get your house ready - make list of what you need to do to prepare your house, then as you complete an item check it off your list.
- Refreshments - What will you be serving your guests? Make your refreshments very simple and easy to prepare. Cheese and crackers make for fantastic party refreshments. Make a list of things to purchase, this helps tremendously.
- Invite your guests - How many people can you invite to your Grand Opening? Make a prospect list today and start calling to let people know about your upcomming Business Opening.
- Invitations? - You should send your invitations out so they will arrive the week of your show. Be sure to include a note to your guests that they can bring along a friend.
- Create folders for your guests - Make up some folders that include various L'Bri brochures and flyers. It is recommended to include in your guest's folders a L'Bri Product Guide, L'Bri vs. the Competition flyer, Aloe Barbadensis Miller flyer, Capture your Dreams brochure, and of course an order form and pen. Be sure to collect these from all your guests before they leave, and use them in all your future shows.
- Create Hostess Incentives - The goal of your L'Bri Grand Opening is to book as many shows as possible, so you will want to have something to encourage your guests to book shows; create 3-5 small gift bags with 3 samples in each bag (you can also use the retractable blush brush, lip clips, lip pens, you choose) which will reward those who agree to hold shows. Some great samples to include are: hand & body lotion, facial masque and facial & body scrub. Even if these don't get claimed at your Grand Opening, you can use them at future shows.
- Create Recruit Incentives - Another goal of your Grand Opening to be on the lookout for new recruits for your team. This is essential to your business! Create 3-5 medium gift bags and include in each a can of soda, a bag of popcorn, L'Bri Opportunity DVD and a Capture your Dreams brochure. This is called Big Dream Movie Night Bag because it will encourage your guests to pick one up and start dreaming big about L'Bri.
Your Grand Opening Show
As your guests arrive, ask them to write their name down and put it in a basket/bowl near the door. Also put a piece of clear scotch tape on the back of each guest's hand. Put a show folder in each chair.
After telling everyone about L'Bri the company and the company philosophy, you will start to profile each L'Bri product. First you will want to ask everyone to remove the tape from the back of their hands, and explain what they are seeing (dead skin) on the back of the tape. Now you should start profiling each L'Bri product.
Don't be concerned if you don't have ALL the products, just be sure to give enough information to let everyone understand which products will work for their skin type and why they are effective.
Be sure to pass each product around and let your guests try it on the back of their hand.
Encourage your guests to consider joining L'Bri to make money themselves! You will want to focus your guests attention to the Big Dream Movie Night Bags and how you would love for anyone interested in the consultant program to take one home and learn more about L'Bri!
Finally, you will want to close your show with a short explanation of product cost and how much can be saved by purchasing the essentials set or basics set. Be sure to let everyone know that order forms are included in their show folders, and if anyone has any questions to please ask.
Contact me with any questions you may have about holding your Grand Opening.